Thursday, August 29, 2024

What an Unfortunate Event

Yesterday was one of the most stressful days we've had as a family. Dadikins with my son was involved in an accident with a motorcycle driven by a 19-year-old girl who didn’t even have a drivers license. To make matters worse, she had a woman in her late 40s riding on the back, holding a 1-year-old baby boy! Imagine! No license, no helmets, and a baby on board!?

Dadikins was just about to park Primo, when suddenly the motorcycle swerved and crashed into them. It was terrifying for sure that he collapsed after seeing the three of them lying on the road. His blood pressure spiked up. Gladly, a bystander managed to catch him and help stabilize him.

Upon hearing the bad news, I stayed calm---too calm, almost to the point where it scared me. But today, it is all sinking in. I feel heavy, confused, and bitter. It’s hard not to feel used, especially knowing that the law often sides against the car driver, even when it’s the reckless actions of a motorcycle driver at fault. It’s frustrating, and I can’t shake the bitterness of having to pay the price for someone else’s carelessness.

The unlicensed motorcycle driver was injured and had to get stitches on her legs. Thankfully, the baby only suffered a bump on the head. Despite the shock and stress, I went with them to the ER and settled to cover all the hospital bills and medications, which came to more than ₱13,000.

Dadi was detained for  few hours, along with Primo. It was an SOP to be detained for 12 hours if no settlement will take place.

Today, we’re feeling a mix of relief and exhaustion. We’re thankful that Dadi and Primo have both been released from detention and that we’ve signed a settlement agreement.

But the stress of it all is still heavy on our hearts. This incident has left us shaken, and the trauma is something we’ll need time to recover and heal from. We’re holding onto each other tightly, hoping that we can move past this and find peace again.

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