About Me-aw

This blog started as a school requirement, and I haven’t stopped since. haha. Jk! Alright, I did stop...but...I am back! 

I've been posting whenever I feel like it--- sometimes once a year, sometimes after four. Because, well, life happens!^^ 

This year, I’m shaking things up. Instead of letting my journal hog all the thoughts, I’ll be updating this blog more often, so stay tuned for more of my wild, whimsical ramblings!

Over time, it’s transformed into this little space where my wild musings, quirky insights, and life’s deeper thoughts all find a home --- with a smile from the City of Smiles.

I’m a beginner occasional blogger diving into my cluttered thoughts and topics that catch my fancy. Commonly known as a real estate dynamo, but I am more than that. I am an ambivert (80% introvert), a nature-loving, book-devouring, anime-obsessed cat mom of four who finds solace in mountains, native trees, seas, travels, foods, books, Harry Potter, Studio Ghibli films, and the K-pop group Seventeen.

I’m also a proud wife of a real estate broker, my partner in crime (and sales). I don’t drink coffee, so I function on pure enthusiasm (and maybe a bit of magic) as I navigate life’s struggles and triumphs, motherhood, and everything in between.

So, grab a cup of tea (or coffee?), and let’s dive into this messy adventure together!

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