Monday, September 23, 2024

Missed Opportunity : A REDIRECTION

Lately, I find myself walking down memory lane, tracing back milestones and memories I had almost forgotten. One memory in particular resurfaced out of nowhere. It's about a life-changing opportunity that I’ve kept to myself all these years, never sharing it with even my closest friends or family.

Quick Story:
After college, a part of me still yearned to pursue for further study. So, I tried my luck for a scholarship for a Master’s Degree at Mother of Life Center (MOLC).

It was granted and here’s part of the email confirmation that I received:

"Greetings in Mary, Mother of Life!"

We are happy to announce your admission as a scholar at MOTHER OF LIFE CENTER (MOLC) for the academic year 2013-2014. Please find the attached Letter of Acceptance and a Direction Map to the Center, along with the necessary requirements. We look forward to your confirmation and attendance. Congratulations, and may God bless you!"

I was excited about this opportunity, but as a fresh grad, I lacked the financial resources. Eventhough the scholarship covered tuition, I still needed to shoulder transportation, living expenses, and other necessities. Most of the scholars had sponsors from sectarian groups or private people, but I didn’t know anyone who could help me with these costs.

Knowing our family's situation too well, I didn’t tell them. As a fresh graduate, I was hoping to earn immediately, so, I DECLINED the opportunity and instead found employment right after.

While I was at PSI, working as a bayaning puyat, I received another call from MOLC's Dean of Studies, trying to convince me not to give up on the scholarship. Fact: Only two people (including me) from the entire Negros Island had qualified.

I sometimes wonder: What if I had pursued Mother of Life? Would I have become a nun, as I once considered? Or maybe I would’ve finished and followed my passion for teaching Religious Studies?

Well, who knows? It's all in the past now and my "not-stpd-afterall" choices had led me to FH and, eventually, to my husband's loving arms. char! [cheesy ka gurl?]

Indeed, life is full of choices. Some we pursue, some we let go. There’s no sense in dwelling on what could have been. Life is about creating our own meaning from the choices we make. I am where I am, not because it was meant to be, but because I chose this path, and I stand by it.

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