Monday, September 9, 2024

Happy Birthday, Maria!

Happy Birthday, Maria!

To me, you’re more like a soulmate than just being a neighbor, classmate, distant relative, and barkada. What we have is something special --- it’s in every shared memory and in the unspoken understanding between us -- it is something indescribable. Now, look at you... Sed’s appointed guardian! 

How have you been? I can only imagine how challenging life in Aus must be for you. Having been an OFW myself, I know the weight of being far from home all too well. and I couldn’t be prouder of you for making it this far. Your absence made a great impact on me. I didn't see it coming. You are greatly missed. Since you left, I’ve felt so sepanx, but ofcourse, you know nothing about this because I know you’re already battling homesickness. You’ve had to be strong, and so have I, in different ways. I know you’re doing everything to adjust, to be resilient, and to face the challenges ahead. And I admire you for that.

I truly hope you’ve found some happiness there. I hope you’re fighting for the life you deserve, even when things feel heavy. I know you might be keeping some struggles to yourself, and even though I’d love to ask you all about them, I’ll just wait until you’re ready to share.

Just know that, no matter what, we are always here for you. Ready to listen, ready to support you the way you’ve always supported us. The distance might be far, but our love and connection aren’t going anywhere. We are always with you in prayers.

All I hope for is that you’re okay, that you’re finding strength in each day, and that you remember... we’re here, whenever you need us. You are part of our family.

XoXo, Team V.

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