Monday, September 23, 2024

Missed Opportunity : A REDIRECTION

Lately, I find myself walking down memory lane, tracing back milestones and memories I had almost forgotten. One memory in particular resurfaced out of nowhere. It's about a life-changing opportunity that I’ve kept to myself all these years, never sharing it with even my closest friends or family.

Quick Story:
After college, a part of me still yearned to pursue for further study. So, I tried my luck for a scholarship for a Master’s Degree at Mother of Life Center (MOLC).

It was granted and here’s part of the email confirmation that I received:

"Greetings in Mary, Mother of Life!"

We are happy to announce your admission as a scholar at MOTHER OF LIFE CENTER (MOLC) for the academic year 2013-2014. Please find the attached Letter of Acceptance and a Direction Map to the Center, along with the necessary requirements. We look forward to your confirmation and attendance. Congratulations, and may God bless you!"

I was excited about this opportunity, but as a fresh grad, I lacked the financial resources. Eventhough the scholarship covered tuition, I still needed to shoulder transportation, living expenses, and other necessities. Most of the scholars had sponsors from sectarian groups or private people, but I didn’t know anyone who could help me with these costs.

Knowing our family's situation too well, I didn’t tell them. As a fresh graduate, I was hoping to earn immediately, so, I DECLINED the opportunity and instead found employment right after.

While I was at PSI, working as a bayaning puyat, I received another call from MOLC's Dean of Studies, trying to convince me not to give up on the scholarship. Fact: Only two people (including me) from the entire Negros Island had qualified.

I sometimes wonder: What if I had pursued Mother of Life? Would I have become a nun, as I once considered? Or maybe I would’ve finished and followed my passion for teaching Religious Studies?

Well, who knows? It's all in the past now and my "not-stpd-afterall" choices had led me to FH and, eventually, to my husband's loving arms. char! [cheesy ka gurl?]

Indeed, life is full of choices. Some we pursue, some we let go. There’s no sense in dwelling on what could have been. Life is about creating our own meaning from the choices we make. I am where I am, not because it was meant to be, but because I chose this path, and I stand by it.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Happy Birthday, Maria!

Happy Birthday, Maria!

To me, you’re more like a soulmate than just being a neighbor, classmate, distant relative, and barkada. What we have is something special --- it’s in every shared memory and in the unspoken understanding between us -- it is something indescribable. Now, look at you... Sed’s appointed guardian! 

How have you been? I can only imagine how challenging life in Aus must be for you. Having been an OFW myself, I know the weight of being far from home all too well. and I couldn’t be prouder of you for making it this far. Your absence made a great impact on me. I didn't see it coming. You are greatly missed. Since you left, I’ve felt so sepanx, but ofcourse, you know nothing about this because I know you’re already battling homesickness. You’ve had to be strong, and so have I, in different ways. I know you’re doing everything to adjust, to be resilient, and to face the challenges ahead. And I admire you for that.

I truly hope you’ve found some happiness there. I hope you’re fighting for the life you deserve, even when things feel heavy. I know you might be keeping some struggles to yourself, and even though I’d love to ask you all about them, I’ll just wait until you’re ready to share.

Just know that, no matter what, we are always here for you. Ready to listen, ready to support you the way you’ve always supported us. The distance might be far, but our love and connection aren’t going anywhere. We are always with you in prayers.

All I hope for is that you’re okay, that you’re finding strength in each day, and that you remember... we’re here, whenever you need us. You are part of our family.

XoXo, Team V.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Existential Crisis

Featured Book: No Exit

"To be a woman is to confront the freedom and responsibility of existence head-on. As Sartre taught, existence precedes essence, so a woman is not born with a predefined role or purpose. Her essence is something she creates through her actions, decisions, and the meaning she assigns to her life. It’s about living with authenticity, forging her path, and defining what it means to be a woman on her own terms." - ME as a pseudo-existentialist in a beauty pageant

They say that once you dive into the works of Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus, there’s no fixing you. I can relate to that. The first time I picked up their books, I had no idea just how much they would change me. But now, after immersing myself in their thoughts, I can feel the difference. The shift in the way I see the world and my place in it.

Existentialism isn’t just a philosophy; it’s a lens through which everything else starts to look different. Sartre’s ideas on freedom and responsibility, and Camus’ thoughts on absurdity and the search for meaning, have a way of digging deep into your soul. They force you to confront the uncomfortable truths about life, and once you’ve seen those truths, it’s hard to unsee them. 

For me, this journey into existentialism has brought on a deep sense of crisis. It’s not a crisis in the sense of panic or fear, but more of a deep questioning about everything: What does it all mean? What am I supposed to do with this existence? The more I think about it, the more I realize that these questions don’t have easy answers...if they have answers at all.

Knowing Sartre and Camus has made me acutely aware of the contradictions in life. We crave meaning, yet we’re confronted with the "absurd". We’re free to make our own choices, yet that freedom can feel overwhelming. We search for purpose, but purpose is something we have to create for ourselves, often in a world that seems indifferent to our struggles.

And so, here I am, yapping nonsense with these ideas, feeling both liberated and burdened by them. There’s a certain beauty in embracing the absurd, in acknowledging that life doesn’t have to have a predetermined meaning. But there’s also a weight that comes with it, a weight that I carry with me every day.

It’s a strange feeling. Sometimes it feels like too much, like the world is too big and my place in it too small. But other times, it’s empowering to know that I am the author of my own story, that I have the freedom to choose how I respond to the absurdity around me. Oftentimes, it's scary.

I don’t have it all figured out, obviously. I am far from it. But maybe that’s the point. Maybe this isn’t about finding answers, but about learning to live with questions. It’s about embracing the uncertainty, the freedom, the absurdity, and finding a way to make peace with it all... but just how? Well, that's the point, right? To  keep questioning, exploring, and perhaps... growing.

For now, I’ll keep reading, keep (over) thinking, and keep searching. And even though it feels like there’s no fixing me after Sartre and Camus, maybe that’s okay. Just deal with it, okay? It's me now. 

P.S //Thank you for understanding this phase of mine.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

What an Unfortunate Event

Yesterday was one of the most stressful days we've had as a family. Dadikins with my son was involved in an accident with a motorcycle driven by a 19-year-old girl who didn’t even have a drivers license. To make matters worse, she had a woman in her late 40s riding on the back, holding a 1-year-old baby boy! Imagine! No license, no helmets, and a baby on board!?

Dadikins was just about to park Primo, when suddenly the motorcycle swerved and crashed into them. It was terrifying for sure that he collapsed after seeing the three of them lying on the road. His blood pressure spiked up. Gladly, a bystander managed to catch him and help stabilize him.

Upon hearing the bad news, I stayed calm---too calm, almost to the point where it scared me. But today, it is all sinking in. I feel heavy, confused, and bitter. It’s hard not to feel used, especially knowing that the law often sides against the car driver, even when it’s the reckless actions of a motorcycle driver at fault. It’s frustrating, and I can’t shake the bitterness of having to pay the price for someone else’s carelessness.

The unlicensed motorcycle driver was injured and had to get stitches on her legs. Thankfully, the baby only suffered a bump on the head. Despite the shock and stress, I went with them to the ER and settled to cover all the hospital bills and medications, which came to more than ₱13,000.

Dadi was detained for  few hours, along with Primo. It was an SOP to be detained for 12 hours if no settlement will take place.

Today, we’re feeling a mix of relief and exhaustion. We’re thankful that Dadi and Primo have both been released from detention and that we’ve signed a settlement agreement.

But the stress of it all is still heavy on our hearts. This incident has left us shaken, and the trauma is something we’ll need time to recover and heal from. We’re holding onto each other tightly, hoping that we can move past this and find peace again.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Solace in Stillness

Today was one of those days. I woke up at 3 PM but stayed in bed until 5 PM, feeling too heavy to move. My only meal was a single Foodman ensaymada bread and a few sips of fresh milk. I had no desire to do anything; my head throbbed, my body ached, and my heart was burdened with a thousand small sorrows. 

It's been 3 days now, and I would randomly tell Dadikins, "Di, I want to cry," and when he asks why, "I don't know why." is what I reply... or maybe... it's a lie? Probably it’s the petty issues happening in my life, or the music in the car that's hurting me, stirring emotions I can't process. I couldn’t bring myself to scroll through socmed --- I just didn’t want to see anyone and any news about "it". Even the thought of watching a GoSe or Ghibli or online retail therapy, hoping to divert my attention, held no appeal. I'm quiet surprised! I certainly know why, but the depth of the hurt surprises me. It’s unexpected  and it's pulling me under. Why and how does "it" managed to weigh so heavily on my heart?

P.S Emily in Paris Season 4 is here and I suddenly felt okay. Plus the new episode of Pulang Araw gave me some light. Yes, OK na si OA! ^^ #Jeonghannnaaaa!

Thursday, May 30, 2024

FH: Instrument of God's Grace

The story of our journey, Dadi and I, is one of grit, perseverance, and hard work. We've built our lives, our careers, and our family with the same spirit that has driven us to succeed in the ever-demanding world of real estate.

When we decided to take this path as licensed real estate broker and unit managers, we knew the road wouldn't be easy. It was a challenge we willingly accepted, something worth every step, every sweat, every tears. Our combined efforts have brought us to where we are today: Top Sales Managers, national awardees, and consistent leaders of Team Prime. But our success isn't just about the honor we've garnered all these years... it's about the people we've impacted and the team we've built.

We began our journey humbly, but with great ambition. Partnering with various developers, we quickly established ourselves as top performers, consistently ranking among the best in Visayas and on a nationwide scale. Over the years, we've been recognized as top agents and sales managers, celebrated for our leadership and commitment to excellence. From our early days in Bacolod to becoming nationwide top sellers, it’s been a whirlwind of growth.

But success, we’ve learned, isn’t just about numbers. It’s about building relationships, touching lives, and helping our clients achieve their own dreams of homeownership. It’s about the joy we feel when we hand over the keys to a family’s new home or when our clients realize the long-term value of their investment. Real estate, for us, is not just about properties--- it’s about people and the legacy we’re building.

In 2017, our dreams started to take shape. We invested in our first house, marking a significant milestone for our family. This was just the beginning. In 2022, we expanded our portfolio with a second house investment, and today, we acquired our second ride. Each achievement brought us closer to the "dream life" we envisioned for ourselves, a life where hard work translates into peace of mind and financial security.

Our journey also took us beyond the shores of the Philippines. From Japan to Singapore, Bali to Thailand, Malaysia to Hongkong, our travels have opened our eyes to global real estate trends and the importance of expanding our horizons. We attended international conferences, participated in international roadshows, and cultivated relationships with clients and investors from all walks of life. These experiences have not only enriched our careers but also deepened our understanding of what it means to succeed in this industry.

Yet, amid all the success, we remain grounded in one simple truth: the true measure of success is not found in the places we've been or the things we've acquired, but in the lives we've touched. Our real estate journey is about helping others achieve their dreams while building a legacy beyond material possessions. 

Real estate success is a process. It’s not always easy, but every challenge we’ve faced has been a stepping stone toward something greater. As we continue this journey, we wear our real estate hats proudly, knowing that we’re in the business of making a real, sustainable impact on the lives of real people. We trust the process and embrace the future with optimism.

Through all the milestones we’ve achieved, our investments, our travels, and our recognitions, one thing remains constant: the desire to keep moving forward, to keep striving for more, and to keep touching lives. It’s not easy, but as we often remind ourselves, it’s going to be worth it.

Because of FH/LR, we're not just living, we're thriving. And the best part? This is only the beginning.

Thursday, February 8, 2024


Many years ago, I've dreamed of standing before a large audience, sharing my success story as a Guest Speaker at a Graduation Ceremony. I knew it would be SYMBOLIC--- A WINNING MOMENT! 

I’ve always believed that to earn such an honor, one must be a person of success. So, I threw myself into my work, striving relentlessly day and night.

But as the years passed, and graduation after graduation went by without an invitation, doubt crept in. "Was I not accomplished enough?" Then came the day when I saw a Facebook post from an acquaintance who had been invited to speak at our Alma Mater. It stung deeply. But instead of feeling bad, I found a renewed sense of motivation. I worked harder, prayed more, and soon enough, my efforts began to bear fruit.

As I’ve grown older and wiser, I’ve come to realize that success isn’t defined by external validation, it is about how I perceive myself, how I measure my progress against my own standards. Age has granted me the freedom to set my own benchmarks. Success, I’ve learned, is aligning my goals with my values, pursuing what genuinely resonates with me, and embracing my personal growth. With this mindset, I’ve come to cherish my unique journey, understanding that success is a subjective concept --- one that I define for myself only.

Then, yesterday, the long-awaited moment finally arrived. My former teacher invited me to be a Guest Speaker at our Alma Mater’s Recognition Ceremony. While it wasn’t the Graduation Ceremony I’d envisioned, it was close, still, and I was elated. I quickly accepted, eager to share my story with the students, and began drafting my speech immediately. The nerves are there, but so is the excitement, and I’m ready to inspire.

To be invited by my Alma Mater as a guest speaker is more than just an acknowledgment of my accomplishments; it’s an affirmation of my character, values, and the impact I can have on future generations. I am deeply honored by this invitation, and I think I can finally say---“ALMOST THERE.”

P.S. This post was drafted on February 8, 2024, on my Mac Notes.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Is Being an Empath a Gift or a Curse?

There’s a strange kind of heaviness that comes with always being the “strong one.” You carry the weight of other people’s pain, their struggles, their burdens...and somehow, you forget that you, too, need help. I’ve been an inspiration and motivator to many, even when my own life felt like it was falling apart. It’s not hypocrisy, though. I know my life’s a mess sometimes. I see it, I feel it. But that’s the thing about being an empath. You’re so in tune with what others need, that you push your own needs to the back burner.

And yet, here’s the reality no one really talks about: I need encouragement, too. I need someone to check on me, to ask if I’m okay. Not out of politeness, but out of genuine care. I need to feel like someone notices when I’m struggling under the weight of my own thoughts. But you know what? I’ve learned not to expect that from anyone.

Expectations these days--- they’re hard to carry. Reciprocity is almost a myth. We live in a world where everyone’s consumed with their own battles, and maybe that’s just how it is now. But for someone like me, who gives pieces of my soul in everything I do without asking for anything in return, it’s a hard truth to swallow.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t regret being this way. I’ll continue giving, continue motivating, continue showing up for others because that’s who I am. But sometimes, just sometimes, I wish there was someone who understood that I, too, need a hand to hold when the world gets too heavy.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

The Day I Slipped Into the Diamond Life

I never thought I’d say this, but here I am, a full-pledged CARAT. It’s funny how life surprises you sometimes. If you had told me years ago that I’d become a fan of a K-pop group, I probably would’ve laughed it off. I used to be the kind of person who rolled my eyes at K-pop. But that all changed in December 2021, thanks to that one song and my sister, who had been a CARAT since 2015. 

She had been a Seventeen fan for so long, always playing their songs, watching their performances, and following their journey. For years, I just shrugged it off. It felt like white noise to me...until it wasn’t.

One day, she showed me the 2 minus 1 and Rock with You video , and that was IT! Suddenly, I wasn’t just hearing the music; I was feeling it. The more I listened, the more I understood what had captured my sister’s heart for years. What started as curiosity turned into admiration, and before I knew it, I had slipped into the diamond life myself.

Of course, it wasn’t just that one song that drew me in. Over time, hearing their music play on repeat in our house and watching their journey through SEVENTEEN Project Debut Big Plan and 17TV, I began to admire them. I saw their hard work, struggles, and how much passion they poured into every performance. It was impossible not to appreciate how raw and genuine they were. And from being a casual listener, I found myself falling for their charm... completely and irrevocably.

Seventeen has become more than just a kpop group I fangirl over, they’ve been a part of my healing process. I’ve been going through my own quarter-life crisis; and in those moments, Seventeen’s music has been a safe space for me. Their music speaks to my every emotion. Their lyrics, melodies, and even the way they perform have carried me through some of my toughest days. It’s comforting to know that, no matter what I’m going through, there’s a song that connects with me on a deeper level.

Now, SEVENTEEN has become a big part of my life. As a CARAT, I stream their songs religiously and familiarize myself with every detail of their music. I collect Seventeen merch, most of which has come from fellow CARATs. I watch every live performance, variety show guesting, Inside Seventeen, and ofcourse, my favorite Going Seventeen (GoSe).

Fangirling is more than just enjoying music, it’s about connection. It’s about the excitement of waiting for their next comeback, staying up late for surprise releases and WeVerse Live, and feeling a sense of pride when they achieve something big or small. It’s about the shared moments with other caratdeul and knowing you’re part of a global community that loves and supports these 13 talented boys as much as you do.

Seventeen is more than a band to me; they’ve become a source of comfort, strength, and happiness. From despising K-pop to loving every bit of Seventeen, my fangirl journey has been unexpected but incredibly fulfilling. I’m proud to call myself a CARAT.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Silent Battles

 Life has a funny way of catching up with you, especially when you least expect it. Lately, I’ve been feeling a bit lost, like I’m stuck in a place where I’m not sure who I am or where I’m headed. It’s as if everything from my past is suddenly weighing on me, and I’m struggling to find my way through it.

Growing up wasn’t easy. I was raised by my grandmother, and while I’m grateful for all she did, it was a tough life. We didn’t have much, and that’s something that sticks with you. I never really had a chance to build strong connections with people outside my small exclusive circle. Trust didn’t come easily, and friendships were few and far between.

Now, as an adult, I find that those old habits are still with me. I have a handful of genuine friends, and I’m incredibly lucky to be married to someone who understands me deeply. But outside of that small circle, it’s hard for me to connect with others. I often feel like an outsider, even in situations where I should feel comfortable.

It’s not that I don’t want to open up or make new friends...I do. It’s just that the past has a way of making you cautious, of putting up walls that are hard to tear down. And so, I find myself in this strange place, where I’m happy with the life I have, yet I can’t shake the feeling that something’s missing.

This feeling has been on my mind a lot lately. I’m at a point in my life where I thought I’d have everything figured out, but instead, I’m questioning a lot of things. Who am I, really? What do I want from life? And why is it so hard for me to let people in?

I don’t have all the answers, and maybe I never will. But I’m trying to make sense of it all, one day at a time. Writing this down helps, even if it’s just to get the thoughts out of my head and into the open. Maybe, by acknowledging these feelings, I can start to move past them.

Friday, July 3, 2020

When the Time Comes

For someone like me, who treats "preparing for the future" as a bit of a hobby, planning for what happens after I’m gone is just another step in my process. It might sound morbid, but to me, death arrangements are a practical way of showing care and thoughtfulness toward those I’ll leave behind. Thankfully, I have an incredibly open-minded husband who, in everything I do or plan, supports me fully. He listens, understands, and hopefully, will carry out my wishes when that time comes.

Here’s my detailed plan for my death arrangements:

1. Cremate My Body.
This has always been clear to me. I want my body cremated. The simplicity and symbolism of returning to ashes feels right. Plus, it’s an easier burden for my loved ones to bear compared to traditional burial arrangements.

2. Display My Prettiest Photo.
I haven’t decided yet which one, but rest assured, I will post it here soon! I want that photo to reflect who I am. Alive, vibrant, and full of love for life.

3. Keep My Death Private.
This is very important to me. I don’t want my passing to be a social media event. There should be no posts, tributes, or announcements online. I’d rather only my immediate family and closest friends know. It’s a deeply personal matter, and I want to keep it that way.

4. A Simple Prayer Vigil.
For those mentioned above, I’d like a quiet, private prayer vigil. No external prayer leaders, just the people who truly knew and loved me, gathering in their own way.

5. No Wake, No Fuss.
I don’t want a wake or any big gatherings. This also means no expenses for food or any extra arrangements for attendees. I’d rather my family keep things simple.

6. Burial Mass and Tree Planting at Brgy. Sum-ag.
I want my ashes placed in an urn and buried at Brgy. Sum-ag, where my roots are. In place of a traditional tombstone, plant a small tree at my gravesite---a native species, of course. Let this tree grow tall and strong as a living reminder of me. Oops. I have to check my memorial lot policy 1st. If tree planting isn't allowed, then a small plant will do.

7. Annual Tree-Planting Event.
In keeping with my love for nature, I want a tree-planting activity held every July 4th in my memory. It’s a small but meaningful way to remember me, contribute to the environment, and to continue my advocacy.

8. No Social Media Posts, Again.
I’ll repeat this one because it’s key. I don’t want my death to be shared on social media. Let my family and friends be informed in person or through a personal message. Let it be something intimate, rather than a public thing.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Silent Conformity

Have you ever felt the need to tone yourself down just to fit in? To hide parts of who you are so you don’t stand out too much? It’s a strange feeling, and I’ve found myself in that spot more times than I can count.

In a world that encourages you to "be yourself," it’s ironic how sometimes it feels safer to just blend in. Like a chameleon, you change your colors, adapt to the environment. You adjust to the people around you... speaking their language, thinking on their level. It feels like the only way to avoid standing out too much, especially in a society where “smart shaming” is a thing.

It’s disheartening. Having a more complex view on things can make you a target for rude remarks or quick dismissals or false judgments. So, you shrink down, simplify, and camouflage.

The thing is, you learn to adjust. Not because you want to, but because it’s easier. You adapt to their way of thinking, pick your words carefully, and lower your expectations of how conversations might go. It’s frustrating because you know there’s more in you that you could share, but you hold back.

At the same time, I’ve realized that blending in comes with a price. Sure, it keeps things easier, but it can also feel like a gradual erasure of who you really are. You start to wonder: how much of yourself should you hide for the sake of fitting in? And is it really worth it?

Yet, despite this, I believe there’s a way to stay true to ourselves without alienating others. It’s a tricky balance---learning when to stand out and when to blend in. But maybe it starts with small steps. A word here, a thought there, shared with the right people who understand. Because in the end, there’s always a space for authenticity, even in a world that pushes us to conform.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Professional Evolution: My Work Journey

Few months before my graduation in March 2012, I was overwhelmed by various job offers, most of which came through referrals (thanks to my prior experience as a "student assistant/working scholar"). While graciously declining most, I chose to pursue a path aligned with my genuine interests --- teaching ESL to foreign nationals in one of a well known  English school in Bacolod City. Driven by my love for teaching and a fondness for Korean dramas, I signed on this contractual yet fulfilling journey. 

However, "fun alone does not pay the bills", so, by the end of my contract, I applied for a full time office job and was hired as an I.T Staff/Executive Assistant at ANP, aligning my professional career with my academic background (I thought it was). Within five months, I was promoted. I assumed the role of acting HR/Admin Incharge after the resignation of our HR Manager. Despite my excitement, having on my shoulders four job roles with a minimum salary proved to be a challenging feat. After seven months, my employment was terminated due to internal challenges. It wasn't a graceful exit.

I, then, had the chance to serve as an I.T/Encoder/Campaign Staff for a well respected politician in Bacolod city. I had aspired to secure a position in the LGU, but unfortunately, he lost the election that year.

I re-entered the field of ESL teaching, where I stayed for just three months. It was only a short contract due to a low enrollment count. The school experienced reduced enrollment as many students spent only a few months in the Philippines during the winter season in Korea. Imagine the sepanx, again and again?

Unwilling to continue a cycle of contractual work, I applied for a permanent position as a full-time computer teacher in JBLCF. The offer of a substantial salary, stability, and prestige (?) was a compelling factor. It was a permanent full time position job; BUT, my day-1 into this new job was met with a great culture shock--- an environment predominantly comprising of... wait for it---male students (ehhh). Due to this, I had to end the contract abruptly. It was an "AWOL," and honestly, I wasn't proud of it.

I faced a period of unemployment for few weeks; until I explored the booming BPO industry, but it was a brief tenure at Panasiatic, where I stayed for 7 months. Panasiatic, tho, taught me valuable lessons in life. While I enjoy the company of my new found friends, it wasn't enough for someone who is seeking stability and better opportunities. Ambisyosa ta bai?

Then after, I went to Japan and worked as a private ESL Tutor --- my dream job in my dream country! It was a dream-come-true, an Otaku's dream!  Enticed by a dream job that offered generous compensation with minimal effort. Yet, again, homesickness got into me, prompting my return to the Philippines after a brief period.

So I am back and I rejoined the call center industry. I worked at Convergys for three months. My tenure was quick due to pregnancy. Then, shortly after giving birth, I joined TelePerformance, even though I was still in the postpartum phase. But my stay in Teleperformance was cut short as well due to a toxic environment. It was MARK a name I won't soon forget. HAHA

As an individual who finds discomfort in doing nothing, I tried the resale business of cupcakes and pastries. The experience was enjoyable, and I successfully gathered a significant customer base. I found satisfaction in a profit of Php 50.00 per box, even though the task required strenuous efforts to deliver all ordered packages throughout the city. Despite the challenging nature being a reseller, I persevered, but it didn't last.

Finally, on November 25, 2015, I took a big leap into the world of real estate--- a profession that was quite different from my prior experience.

Now rooted to the dynamic world of real estate, my journey takes on a fresh narrative--- now having limitless opportunities, a balanced familial life, and personal growth. Now 101% committed to a profession I've come to love. Thank you, LR.

As I share my work journey, may we all be reminded of my life motto, "Le vent se lève, il faut tenter de vivre" ("The wind is rising, we must try to live") by Paul Valéry—a guiding light reminding us to brave the challenges and live our lives fully despite the winds of change.     

Friday, April 19, 2013

Lost in the World of Hyun Bin

Here I am at 21... completely, utterly obsessed. And not just any K-drama obsession...this is all about Hyun Bin. Yes, the one and only Hyun Bin, who has completely taken over my life  since 2010!

It all started a little while ago when I decided to check out Secret Garden. Everyone was talking about it, and I figured it was time to see what the fuss was about. Little did I know, that one show would completely consume me. From the moment Hyun Bin appeared on my screen as Kim Joo-won, I was hooked. There was no turning back.

Hyun Bin isn’t just another actor to me. There’s something about him...his presence, his expressions, the way he brings every character to life...that’s just... mesmerizing. I’ve watched "Secret Garden" so many times now that I can practically quote every line. But I didn’t stop there. I quickly moved on to his other dramas, soaking up every bit of Hyun Bin content I could find. 

My days have turned into late-night marathons, binge-watching episodes until I can barely keep my eyes open. I’m not even sure how many hours I’ve spent glued to my laptop, rewatching scenes, searching for interviews, and diving into fan forums just to see what other people are saying about Hyun Bin. It’s become my little escape... a way to forget about the stress of being in the poverty line, the pressure of figuring out what I want to do with my life, and everything else that comes with being 21.

Anyway, here I am, writing this blog post at 4 PM, while Secret Garden plays in the background for what must be the hundredth time. I don’t know how long this obsession will last, but for now, I’m just going to enjoy every second of it. Because honestly, at 21, why not let myself get swept up in a little K-drama magic?

Hyun Bin, you’ve got me completely under your spell. And I’m not complaining one bit.

All About Hyun Bin:

This is a Korean name; the family name is Hyun.
Hyun Bin (Hangul: 현빈) (born Kim Tae-pyung on September 25, 1982) is a South Korean actor. He is best known for his leading roles in the TV dramas My Name is Kim Sam-soon in 2005, and Secret Garden in 2010.
Hyun Bin's acting career began when an official at an entertainment agency saw Hyun passing by on a motorcycle in high school and approached him. After his 2002 film Shower could not be released due to lack of funding, Hyun eventually made his debut in 2003 with the television series Bodyguard, followed by roles in the sitcom Nonstop 4 and quirky drama Ireland. He shot to stardom in the 2005 romantic comedy My Name is Kim Sam-soon with Kim Sun-ah. Sam-soon was a massive hit with average ratings of over 37% and 50.5% for the finale, for which Hyun won the Top Excellence Award at the MBC Drama Awards.
Mainstream success eluded Hyun in the next few years. His first film as a lead actor A Millionaire's First Love (written by Internet novelist Guiyeoni) flopped, as did TV melodrama The Snow Queen, a love story between a math genius-turned-boxer and a sheltered, pampered girl (Sung Yu-ri). Despite low ratings, 2008's Worlds Within was well-received for its writing; he and Song Hye-kyo played TV producers struggling to create the perfect drama while still maintaining their relationship. He then portrayed a sociopath in the critically acclaimed gangster saga Friend, Our Legend, reportedly watching the original film 20 to 30 times.
In 2010 he saw a surge of fame with Secret Garden, a romantic fantasy about a fussy and arrogant department store owner and a penniless stunt woman (Ha Ji-won) who switch souls every time it rains. The show brought in 30% ratings and garnered much interest regarding its fashion, catchphrases and music, and Hyun was recognized at the SBS Drama Awards and Baeksang Arts Awards for his performance. He also contributed to the soundtrack with "That Man", which peaked at number one in eight Korean music portals.
In February 2011 he walked the red carpet at the 61st Berlin International Film Festival where two of his films Come Rain, Come Shine and Late Autumn screened. He described the honor as his "happiest achievement."
In Late Autumn, an English-language remake shot in Seattle of the 1966 Lee Man-hee classic, Hyun played a man on the run who falls in love with a woman who is on special leave from prison (Chinese actress Tang Wei). It became the highest grossing Korean film released in China to date, taking in more than $9.5 million over two weeks, which is unprecedented for a melodrama. He received a good review from The Hollywood Reporter which stated, "It is Hyun who impresses more for not underplaying the dandy, narcissistic side of his personality."
On March 7, 2011, Hyun volunteered to serve his 21 months of compulsory military service in the Marine Corps, considered the toughest service branch. He was discharged on December 6, 2012 and received a citation for being an exemplary soldier.
After the merger of their former agency AM Entertainment with SM Entertainment, Hyun's reps announced in November 2012 that the actor and Shin Min-ah have decided to go independent and set up their own management agency O& Entertainment.
Personal life
Hyun was born and raised in Seoul. He has two older brothers. He graduated from Chung-Ang University in 2004 where he majored in Theater Studies. Since 2009 he has been enrolled at the same university for a master's degree.
He briefly dated actress Hwang Ji-hyun from 2006-2007.
In August 2009 Hyun confirmed that he was dating Song Hye-kyo, his co-star in Worlds Within. In March 2011, hours after Hyun's military enlistment, his and Song's agencies confirmed speculation that the couple had broken up. According to the joint press release, "Both have been very busy shooting films and dramas both in and out of Korea, which inevitably caused them to grow apart. Excessive media scrutiny of their relationship put extra strain on them, and rumors of their split were a source of great stress. They did not have enough time to overcome these obstacles and the distance between them grew." With rumors of their separation circulating since the end of 2010, the agencies said the two split up in early 2011 but wanted to keep it secret for the time being "because neither of them wanted the public attention to be directed on their split instead of their professional work. Hyun also did not want a personal issue to interfere with his last days with his fans before starting his military service."

Television series

Year Title Network Role
2003 Bodyguard KBS2
Nonstop 4 MBC Hyun Bin
2004 Ireland MBC Kang Gook
2005 My Lovely Sam Soon MBC Hyun Jin-hun
2006 The Snow Queen KBS2 Han Tae-woong/Han Deuk-gu
2008 Worlds Within KBS2 Jung Ji-oh
2009 Friend, Our Legend MBC Han Dong-soo
2010 Secret Garden SBS Kim Joo-won
Year Title Role
2004 Spin Kick Min-gyu
2005 Daddy Long Legs Hyung-joon
2006 A Millionaire's First Love Kang Jae-kyung
2008 I'm Happy Man-soo
2010 Late Autumn Hoon
Come Rain, Come Shine He
Music video
Year Song Artist
2003 "내탓이죠" Herb 허브
2005 "Memory" Kim Bum-soo
2006 "Hey U" Lemon Tree
Year Track Album
2010 "Dream in My Heart" Dream in My Heart
2011 "Can't Have You" Friend, Our Legend OST
"That Man" Secret Garden OST
Awards and nominations
Year Event Category Nominated work Result Ref
2005 MBC Drama Awards Top Excellence Award, Actor My Name is Kim Sam-soon Won
Popularity Award Won
Best Couple with Kim Sun-ah Won
2006 42nd Baeksang Arts Awards Popularity Award (TV) Won
KBS Drama Awards Excellence Award, Actor
Snow Queen
Popularity Award Won
Netizen Award Won
Best Couple with Sung Yu-ri Won
2009 MBC Drama Awards Excellence Award, Actor
Friend, Our Legend
2010 SBS Drama Awards Top Excellence Award, Actor in a Drama Special
Secret Garden
Netizen Popularity Award Won
Top Ten Stars Award Won
Best Couple with Ha Ji-won Won
2011 47th Baeksang Arts Awards Grand Prize for TV Won
Seoul International Drama Awards Outstanding Korean Actor Nominated

  • 2013: Cantata - ready-to-drink instant canned coffee
Reference :

Sunday, February 17, 2013

After School: Getting True Satisfaction.

Academic achievements is important to us, students, resulting for some individuals to resort to less ethical practices to secure good to excellent academic grades.

I am an alumna of a four-year program from one of Bacolod's most esteemed institutions. My graduation lacked any formal recognition, a consequence of my indifference towards my belief --- "SAY NO TO CHEATING".

In college, I was the CCTV during exams and quizzes. The "tagabantay" among us. My reminders to avoid cheating made me infamous but I adhered to the principle of "Honesty is the best policy" firmly until I graduate.

As a working scholar, church volunteer, and public servant (SK), my academic focus was diversified by my involvement in various extracurricular activities. But not that I lack the time to study, I was simply not the studious type. During exams, I answered questions based on stored knowledge, regardless of whether I had studied them before. I was often the first to submit my test paper, creating an impression that I had studied thoroughly. hahahahaha

While my Transcript of Records may not reflect outstanding grades, I take pride in my journey, having pursued and achieved success full of honesty.

Now established in my career, I take pride in my past convictions. Despite a less-than-stellar academic record, my job reflects my unique skills and knowledge, my leadership, and commendable personality --- each gained from the choices I stand for when I was in college.