Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Is Being an Empath a Gift or a Curse?

There’s a strange kind of heaviness that comes with always being the “strong one.” You carry the weight of other people’s pain, their struggles, their burdens...and somehow, you forget that you, too, need help. I’ve been an inspiration and motivator to many, even when my own life felt like it was falling apart. It’s not hypocrisy, though. I know my life’s a mess sometimes. I see it, I feel it. But that’s the thing about being an empath. You’re so in tune with what others need, that you push your own needs to the back burner.

And yet, here’s the reality no one really talks about: I need encouragement, too. I need someone to check on me, to ask if I’m okay. Not out of politeness, but out of genuine care. I need to feel like someone notices when I’m struggling under the weight of my own thoughts. But you know what? I’ve learned not to expect that from anyone.

Expectations these days--- they’re hard to carry. Reciprocity is almost a myth. We live in a world where everyone’s consumed with their own battles, and maybe that’s just how it is now. But for someone like me, who gives pieces of my soul in everything I do without asking for anything in return, it’s a hard truth to swallow.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t regret being this way. I’ll continue giving, continue motivating, continue showing up for others because that’s who I am. But sometimes, just sometimes, I wish there was someone who understood that I, too, need a hand to hold when the world gets too heavy.

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