Thursday, February 8, 2024


Many years ago, I've dreamed of standing before a large audience, sharing my success story as a Guest Speaker at a Graduation Ceremony. I knew it would be SYMBOLIC--- A WINNING MOMENT! 

I’ve always believed that to earn such an honor, one must be a person of success. So, I threw myself into my work, striving relentlessly day and night.

But as the years passed, and graduation after graduation went by without an invitation, doubt crept in. "Was I not accomplished enough?" Then came the day when I saw a Facebook post from an acquaintance who had been invited to speak at our Alma Mater. It stung deeply. But instead of feeling bad, I found a renewed sense of motivation. I worked harder, prayed more, and soon enough, my efforts began to bear fruit.

As I’ve grown older and wiser, I’ve come to realize that success isn’t defined by external validation, it is about how I perceive myself, how I measure my progress against my own standards. Age has granted me the freedom to set my own benchmarks. Success, I’ve learned, is aligning my goals with my values, pursuing what genuinely resonates with me, and embracing my personal growth. With this mindset, I’ve come to cherish my unique journey, understanding that success is a subjective concept --- one that I define for myself only.

Then, yesterday, the long-awaited moment finally arrived. My former teacher invited me to be a Guest Speaker at our Alma Mater’s Recognition Ceremony. While it wasn’t the Graduation Ceremony I’d envisioned, it was close, still, and I was elated. I quickly accepted, eager to share my story with the students, and began drafting my speech immediately. The nerves are there, but so is the excitement, and I’m ready to inspire.

To be invited by my Alma Mater as a guest speaker is more than just an acknowledgment of my accomplishments; it’s an affirmation of my character, values, and the impact I can have on future generations. I am deeply honored by this invitation, and I think I can finally say---“ALMOST THERE.”

P.S. This post was drafted on February 8, 2024, on my Mac Notes.