Sunday, March 6, 2022

The Day I Slipped Into the Diamond Life

I never thought I’d say this, but here I am, a full-pledged CARAT. It’s funny how life surprises you sometimes. If you had told me years ago that I’d become a fan of a K-pop group, I probably would’ve laughed it off. I used to be the kind of person who rolled my eyes at K-pop. But that all changed in December 2021, thanks to that one song and my sister, who had been a CARAT since 2015. 

She had been a Seventeen fan for so long, always playing their songs, watching their performances, and following their journey. For years, I just shrugged it off. It felt like white noise to me...until it wasn’t.

One day, she showed me the 2 minus 1 and Rock with You video , and that was IT! Suddenly, I wasn’t just hearing the music; I was feeling it. The more I listened, the more I understood what had captured my sister’s heart for years. What started as curiosity turned into admiration, and before I knew it, I had slipped into the diamond life myself.

Of course, it wasn’t just that one song that drew me in. Over time, hearing their music play on repeat in our house and watching their journey through SEVENTEEN Project Debut Big Plan and 17TV, I began to admire them. I saw their hard work, struggles, and how much passion they poured into every performance. It was impossible not to appreciate how raw and genuine they were. And from being a casual listener, I found myself falling for their charm... completely and irrevocably.

Seventeen has become more than just a kpop group I fangirl over, they’ve been a part of my healing process. I’ve been going through my own quarter-life crisis; and in those moments, Seventeen’s music has been a safe space for me. Their music speaks to my every emotion. Their lyrics, melodies, and even the way they perform have carried me through some of my toughest days. It’s comforting to know that, no matter what I’m going through, there’s a song that connects with me on a deeper level.

Now, SEVENTEEN has become a big part of my life. As a CARAT, I stream their songs religiously and familiarize myself with every detail of their music. I collect Seventeen merch, most of which has come from fellow CARATs. I watch every live performance, variety show guesting, Inside Seventeen, and ofcourse, my favorite Going Seventeen (GoSe).

Fangirling is more than just enjoying music, it’s about connection. It’s about the excitement of waiting for their next comeback, staying up late for surprise releases and WeVerse Live, and feeling a sense of pride when they achieve something big or small. It’s about the shared moments with other caratdeul and knowing you’re part of a global community that loves and supports these 13 talented boys as much as you do.

Seventeen is more than a band to me; they’ve become a source of comfort, strength, and happiness. From despising K-pop to loving every bit of Seventeen, my fangirl journey has been unexpected but incredibly fulfilling. I’m proud to call myself a CARAT.